One comment on “An Apple A Day Keeps Employers Awake
  1. Cathy C. says:

    Wearable technology to make recordings has been around since the 90s, at least. I remember Inside Edition doing several investigations where hidden cameras were placed on individuals. They may have been a little bulkier than they are now, but they were still able to keep them hidden well enough to get some juicy stories for their shows.

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About Social Media Employment Law Blog
Social Media Employment Law Blog is devoted to the interplay between social media and employment law, an extremely topical and significant area of law for employers in this new technology era. Published and edited by Michael Schmidt, Vice Chair of the Labor & Employment Department, Mike concentrates in representing management in all facets of employment law and has been frequently quoted on employment law topics, and is regularly interviewed by trade publications and national journals for his opinions on legal trends.
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